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Contact Sibley Memorial Hospital

To contact a specific department or service, please use the numbers below, or let our operators help you find the department you need at 202-537-4000. If you prefer to send a message, please fill out our contact form.

In this section:

Departments and ClinicsPhone
Patient Information202-537-4000
Admissions Fax202-243-2246
Alzheimer's Unit (Club Memory)202-660-6957
Assisted Living (Grand Oaks)202-349-3400
Blood Bank202-537-4450
Bone and Joint Health, Sibley Institute202-660-MOVE (202-660-6683)
Breast Center - Imaging202-537-4545
Breast Center - Surgery202-243-5230
Cardiopulmonary Services - Invasive202-537-4162
Cardiopulmonary Services - Noninvasive202-537-4033
Cancer ProgramSee Oncology
Case Coordination202-537-4004
Childbirth Education202-537-4076
Clinical Laboratory202-537-4651, option #1
Community Health202-660-5156
Compliance Department202-660-6802
Education & Training202-537-4058
Endoscopy Suite202-537-4025
Gift Shops202-660-6474
Government and Community Affairs202-243-2276
Gynecologic Oncology Center202-243-5295
HIPAA Concerns (Johns Hopkins Privacy Office)410-614-9900
Home Health202-537-4300
Human Resources202-537-4750
Imaging Services202-537-4781
Infusion Center202-537-4277
Marketing/Media Relations202-537-4700
Medical Records202-537-4088
Medical Staff - Medical Staff Office202-537-4685
Medical Staff - Medical Staff Credentials Office202-537-4686
Medical Staff - Medical Staff Credentials Office Fax202-537-4965
Nuclear Medicine202-537-4934
Nursing Administration202-537-4664
Nutrition Services202-660-6374
Oncology - Medical Oncology202-660-6500
Oncology - Oncology Research202-660-5620
Palliative Care202-400-1897
Patient Care Services202-537-4597
Patient Financial Services1-855-662-3017
Patient Relations202-537-4267
Physician Referral Service1-855-546-3939
Presurgical Testing Center202-537-4437
Radiology - Imaging Center (Sibley Medical Building)202-537-4100
Radiology - Radiation Oncology202-537-4788
Radiology - Radiology Main202-537-4781
Radiology - Sullivan Breast Center202-537-4545
Rehabilitation Services202-364-7665
Safety and Security202-537-4674
Sibley Senior Services - Sibley Senior Association202-364-7602
Sibley Senior Services - Link to Life202-537-4902
Sibley Senior Services - Widowed Persons Outreach202-660-5658
Sleep Center202-660-7956
Surgery - Ambulatory Surgery Center202-364-7632
Surgery - Short-Stay202-537-4270
Surgical Pathology202-537-4455
Volunteer Service202-537-4485
Wound Ostomy Therapy202-537-4694
Patient UnitsPhone
Cardiac Care202-537-4470
Intermediate Care Unit202-537-4260
Family-Centered Care202-537-4370
Labor & Delivery202-537-4577
Oncology — 5A202-537-4560
Orthopaedics — 6B202-660-6683
Medical/Surgical — 2 East202-537-4570
Medical/Surgical — 7A202-537-4660
Medical/Surgical — 7B202-537-4670
Psychiatry — 7 West202-537-4770
Skilled Nursing UnitPhone
Renaissance/Skilled Nursing202-243-5170
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