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Johns Hopkins Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Service


Our program provides advanced treatment and diagnostic services for patients diagnosed with arrhythmia.

  • Services

    Learn more about our comprehensive services and what to expect during your appointment.

    nurse holding patient's hand
  • Our Team

    Meet our specialists who are dedicated to providing care for all patients.

    electrophysiology and arrhythmia specialists
  • Locations for Care

    Visit one of our convenient locations in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. metro areas.

    johns hopkins east baltimore campus

Schedule An Appointment

  • Schedule online through MyChart

    Current Johns Hopkins Medicine patients: Log into MyChart and schedule online
    mobile desktop
  • Schedule by phone

    New and existing patients: 443-997-0270
    phone icon

Conditions We Treat

Our center provides treatment for a variety of arrhythmias including:


Why Choose Johns Hopkins for Arrhythmia Treatment?

The Johns Hopkins Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Service provides a patient-centered approach to treating abnormal heart rhythms. Learn what makes our program unique:

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Multidisciplinary Team

Our multidisciplinary team specializes in a broad range of conditions and treatments.

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Family-centered Care

We specialize in providing compassionate care for people of all age groups and their families.

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Personalized Treatment

After we perform diagnostic testing, our team will create a personalized treatment plan for better effectiveness.

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Advanced Research


Diagnosing Arrhythmias


If an abnormal heart rhythm is suspected, your doctor may recommend one or more tests to diagnose the arrhythmia and determine if it is causing your symptoms. These tests may include:


Our Treatment Programs

The Center for Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology offers specialized treatment programs for certain arrhythmias which include:

  • Our device clinics provide long-term maintenance and monitoring of implantable cardiac devices including pacemakers, defibrillators, biventricular pacemaker-defibrillators and implantable monitors.

    Routine maintenance is crucial for detecting possible future complications. 

    Pacemakers routinely require computer programmer checks every three to six months. Defibrillators are normally checked every three or four months. Implantable monitors are often checked every three months or as symptoms dictate. If concerns arise over a device’s performance or a new clinical development occurs (such as syncope or ICD shocks), an appointment is expedited.

    We offer reliable and secure web-based “remote analysis” from
    a patient’s home or workplace, even from out of state, to reduce frequent in-person check-ups.

  • Cardioversion is a common procedure to shock the heart back into rhythm. Most patients who undergo a cardioversion procedure have either atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter.

    You should avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before the study except for your normal medications, unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider.

    Most patients who undergo this procedure are placed on a blood thinner, such as coumadin, for at least four weeks before and following cardioversion. In some situations, your doctor may recommend that you have a special type of echocardiogram, called a transesophageal echocardiogram, immediately before your cardioversion to be certain there are no blood clots in your heart.

    Once at the EP lab, a nurse will place an IV in your hand or arm so you can receive fluids and medications. During the procedure, you will lie on a padded table. You will have a blood pressure cuff on your arm, a clip on your finger to make sure you are getting enough oxygen, and ECG electrodes and two large patches on the chest. The electrodes and patches monitor the heart rhythm and, once you are fully asleep, deliver a safe, controlled shock to the chest to restore normal rhythm. During recovery, your nurse will record your blood pressure and monitor your heart rhythm regularly.

  • Although pacemakers and ICD pulse generators need to be replaced every four to 10 years, the leads (wires) that connect the device to the heart usually remain in place forever. Under rare circumstances, these leads will have to be removed to prevent infection.

    Lead extraction procedures are all performed in our new state-of-the-art hybrid operating room with cardiac surgical backup.

  • Our center provides a specialized program for treating Ventricular Tachycardia with catheter ablation. Specialists use computerized mapping techniques combined with CT or MRI imaging to Catheter ablation involves using computerized mapping to identify the site of origin of the VT or premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). Once identified, ablation energy is applied to treat this arrhythmia. For some types of VT we have to apply ablation energy to the outside of the heart using an epicardial approach.

Family-centered Care


We provide compassionate care for children suffering from arrhythmia and syncope. Our pediatric electrophysiologists have experience with congenital heart disorders and can detect developmental issues that may affect your child's heart.

Pediatric and congenital heart center


Related Programs

  • The ARVD/C Program

    The Johns Hopkins Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (Cardiomyopathy) Program provides education, treatment and long-term care for patients.

  • Center for Inherited Heart Disease

    The Center for Inherited Heart Disease helps manage genetic cardiac diseases through preventive care and advanced treatment.


Locations for Care

We offer comprehensive services at several locations in the Baltimore and Washington D.C metro areas.

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