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Baltimore Bariatric Medical Team and Staff


Our bariatric surgeons are board-certified, with decades of experience. They will work with you to find the best surgical option for you.


Nurse Practitioners

A nurse practitioner will assist during your initial surgical consultation, where they will help explain the surgical procedure, as well as the risks, benefits and possible complications. They will also help you with post-operative support and medical treatment.

Solly Abraham, NP
Palmtama Grier, NP
Patricia Jordan, MS, CRNP


Program Director

The bariatric program director fulfills clinical and administrative leadership roles for the Bariatric Center. She works closely with the multidisciplinary team to continue to provide the highest quality of care and support for the patients of the Johns Hopkins Center for Bariatric Surgery.

Carol Miller, MSN, RN, CBN


Bariatric Nurse Coordinator

The bariatric nurse coordinator provides patient education, follow-up care and support to patients and the community. She also provides clinical support to the surgical team and collaborates with the multidisciplinary team to ensure optimum care to patients.

Rachel Lee, BSN, RN, CBN



Each patient is required to meet with a registered dietitian at least once prior to surgery, and then as needed post-operatively. The dietitian will discuss the pre- and post-operative dietary guidelines, behavioral changes, and the supplements you'll need following the surgery for the rest of your life.

Suzy Carobrese RD, LDN, CDCES
Ashli Greenwald MS, RD, LDN
Christine McKinney MS, RD, LDN, CDCES
Andi Miles MS, RD, LDN
Jen Racine MBA, RD, LDN, CNSC
Margaret Wesdock RD, LDN, CDCES



Each patient is required to meet with a psychiatrist or psychologist prior to surgery. They will evaluate your understanding of the procedure, assess your motivation to comply with the post-operative surgery instructions and lifestyle changes, look for the presence of any mental health problems that might need to be addressed, and discuss the documentation of past self-disciplinary eating patterns and your understanding of the importance of physical activity, stress management and social support.


Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists

Physical therapists and occupational therapists will be important people right after your surgery. They will see you in the hospital following the surgery, help you out of bed and assist you in walking and getting around. They also will teach you exercises that you can do upon your return home. Mobility right after surgery is very important to help prevent complications and speed up your recovery process, so it's crucial for you to get moving.


Research Program Coordinator

Overseen by research coordinator Christopher Stewart, our research program is highly active with numerous clinical trials happening simultaneously, in addition to many smaller research projects. This research focuses on improving care and patient success.


Bariatric Office Coordinators

The medical office coordinators at the Johns Hopkins Center for Bariatric Surgery assist our potential surgical candidates through the approval process for bariatric surgery. They're available to answer questions regarding appointments, insurance criteria and program requirements.

The requirements of our program and the insurance approval process are explained in detail to each candidate in order to ensure that our patients understand the steps necessary to getting authorized for surgery. It is our goal to make this process as easy as possible for each and every one of our patients.

The staff also is responsible for obtaining authorization for surgeries, sending letters to primary care physicians and making sure that candidates have the necessary information to make this process go smoothly. In the event that the candidate is denied approval for surgery, our staff will prepare the paperwork for the appeal process.

Marie Dey
Bariatric Medical Office Coordinator for Dr. Coker and Dr. Magnuson

Angeline Majer
Bariatric Medical Office Coordinator for Dr. Adrales

Felicia Telewicz
Bariatric Medical Office Coordinator for Dr. Schweitzer

Office coordinators are available to answer questions Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please call 410-550-0409 or fax 410-550-1822.

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